Lists are useful tools for arranging thoughts in a
digestible format, usually a small piece of information at a
time. There are four basic types of list, shown in Table 4.1 below.
Random or itemized lists(sometimes called
‘arbitrary’ or
‘bulleted’ lists) where the
order of items is unimportant. The items are often
prefixed with a bullet or other symbol for clarity
or decoration, but are sometimes simply left
blank, looking like miniature paragraphs (when
they are known as ‘simple’
or ‘trivial’ lists). | Enumerated or ordered lists(sometimes called
‘sequential’ or
‘numbered’ lists) where the
order of items is critical, such as sequences of
instructions or rankings of importance. The
enumeration can be numeric (Arabic or Roman), or
lettered (uppercase or lowercase), and can be
programmed to be hierarchical (1.a.viii, 2.3.6,
etc). |
Descriptive or labelled lists(sometimes called
‘discussion’ lists), which
are composed of subheadings or topic labels
(usually unnumbered but typographically distinct),
each followed by one or more indented paragraphs
of discussion or explanation. | Inline listswhich are sequential in nature, just like
enumerated lists, but are
a ) formatted within
their paragraph; b ) usually labelled with letters like this
example; and c ) often mutually inclusive or exclusive,
with the final item prefixed by
‘and’ or
respectively. |
There are actually two other types of list in existence,
segmented lists and reference lists, but these are much rarer,
and outside the scope of this document.
The structure of lists in LATEX is identical for each
type, but with a different environment name. Lists are another
example of this LATEX technique (environments), where a pair
of matched commands surrounds some text which needs special
Within a list environment, list items are always
identified by the command \item (followed by
an item label in [square brackets] in the case of labelled
lists). You don’t type the bullet or the number or the
formatting, it’s all automated.
4.1.1 Itemized lists
To create an itemized list, use the
itemize environment:
The default list bullet is the normal round, solid one
(•), which is also available with the command
\textbullet if you load the
textcomp package. See § 7.6.2 below for details of how to change the
settings for list item bullets.
Nested itemized lists (see § 4.1.6 below) used differing symbols for their
bullets as well as more indentation and less spacing.
4.1.2 Enumerated lists
To create an enumerated list, use the
enumerate environment:
See § 4.1.6 below for details of how
to change the numbering schemes for each level.
In standard LATEX document classes, the vertical
spacing between items, and above and below the lists as a
whole, is more than between paragraphs. If you want
tightly-packed lists, use the enumitem
package, which provides an environment option
noitemsep for the three main list
environments (there is also a nosep option
for even more compact spacing). Both these options come
after the environment name, not before;
eg \begin{itemize}[nosep]
4.1.3 Description lists
To create a description list, use the
description environment:
I very strongly recommend using the
enumitem package with its
unboxed environment option for
description lists, which avoids the spacing
problems with LATEX’s default handling of long labels.
This package has so many good features I tend to load it for
virtually every document I create.
All three of these types of lists can have multiple
paragraphs per item: just type the additional paragraphs in
the normal way, with a blank line between each. So long as
they are still contained within the enclosing environment,
they will automatically be indented to follow underneath
their head item.
4.1.4 Inline lists
Inline lists are a special case, as they require the use
of the enumitem or
paralist packages.
The enumitem package with the
inline option provides
‘starred’ versions of the three
standard list types to do this: enumerate*,
itemize*, and description*. It
uses a specification in the optional argument for formatting
the labels (for example, italic letters and an upright
parenthesis), and it also provides extensive support for the
punctuation and conjunction between items, making it
unnecessary to type it separately for each item (and
differently for the last-but-one).
See Chapter 6 ‘Layouts and fonts’ below for details of the
font-changing commands used in the optional arguments to the
shown in this example.
Exercise 4.1 — List practice
Add a list or two to your document.
Copy and paste any two of the
ones described here to practice with.
Read the documentation for the
enumitem package or the
paralist package and
use it to change the layout of the lists
you have added.
4.1.5 Reference lists and segmented lists
Reference lists are visually indistinguishable from
numbered or lettered lists, but the numbering or lettering
does not imply a sequence. The numbers
or letters are just used as labels so that the items can be
referred to from elsewhere in the text (as in ‘see
item 501(c)3’). In this sense they are really a
kind of sub-sectional division, and LATEX’s
\paragraph or
\subparagraph commands (with appropriate
renumbering) would probably be a far better solution than
using a list. Label them and refer to them with
\label and \ref as for
any other cross-reference (see § 5.3 below).
Segmented lists are a highly specialised structure and
outside the scope of this document. For details of their
usage, see the ‘Segmentation and Alignment’ (Burnard, Sperberg-McQueenBurnard & Sperberg-McQueen, 1995).
4.1.6 Lists within lists
You can start a new list environment within the item of
an existing list, so you can embed one list inside another
up to four deep. The lists can be of any type, so you can
have a description list containing an item in which there is
a numbered sub-list, within which there is an item
containing a bulleted sub-sub-list.
by default an outer enumerated list uses Arabic
an embedded enumerated list is lettered in
a third level is numbered in lowercase Roman
the fourth level uses uppercase
alphabetic letters.
Multiple embedded lists automatically change the bullet
or numbering scheme so that the levels don’t get confused,
and the spacing between levels is adjusted to become
slightly tighter for more deeply nested levels.
These are only defaults and can easily be changed by
redefining the relevant set of values. You could also add a
fifth and further levels, although I suspect that would mean
your document structure needed some careful analysis, as
lists embedded five deep will probably confuse your
The values for lists come in pairs: for each level there
is a counter to count the items and a command to produce the
Table 4.2: Default numbering for nested numbered lists
Level | Default | Counter | Label command |
1 | digit. | enumi | \theenumi |
2 | (letter) | enumii | \theenumii |
3 | roman. | enumiii | \theenumiii |
4 | LETTER. | enumiv | \theenumiv |
Note that each counter and command ends with the Roman
numeral value of its level (this is to overcome the rule
that LATEX commands can only be made of
letters — digits wouldn’t work here). To change the
format of a numbered list item counter, just renew the
meaning of its label:
This would make the outermost list
use uppercase letters, the second level use lowercase roman,
and the third level use ordinary Arabic numerals. The fourth
level would remain unaffected.
Exercise 4.2 — Nesting
Extend your use of lists by nesting one type inside a
different one.
Lists and Tables: a caution to the unwary
Treat lists with care: people sometimes use tables for
labelled information which is really a list and would be
better handled as such. They often do this because their
wordprocessor has no way to do what they want (usually to
place the item label level with the description or
explanation) except by using a table,
hence they are misled into believing that their text is
really a table when it’s actually not.