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Formatting Information — An introduction to typesetting with LATEX

Chapter 5: Textual tools

In this chapter…

  1. Quotations
  2. Footnotes and end-notes
  3. Marginal notes
  4. References
  5. Indexes and glossaries
  6. Multiple columns

Every text-handling system needs to support a repertoire of tools for doing things with text. LATEX implements many dozens, of which a small selection of the most frequently used is given here:

  • offset quotations (sometimes called ‘block quotes’);

  • footnotes and end-notes;

  • marginal notes;

  • cross-references, both normal ones and bibliographic citations;

  • indexes and glossaries;

  • typesetting in multiple columns.

  1. Like this. 

  2. This section is labelled normalxref, for example. 

  3. Thus I can refer here to \ref{normalxref} and get the value § 5.4.1

  4. If your software doesn't save BIBTEX format direct, save it as RIS format, then open the .ris file in something like JabRef and save it as a .bib file from there. 

  5. Fothergill, John (1929) An Innkeeper's Diary, London : Penguin. 

  6. On GNU/Linux and Mac systems, just type the command man makeindex; the page is also available in many reference sites on the web: search for that command.